Dear Parents/ Carers
As we approach the start of the new school year things are going to look very different and I am writing to outline the changes that will be in place when we return next week. Please be assured that a robust risk assessment has taken place and we will endeavour to make the school as COVID secure as possible within the guidelines issued to schools.
It is very important that children return to school safely. A return to school will go a long way to ensuring a bright academic and personal future for all of our pupils and please see the following information which outlines the arrangements beginning next week:
Week commencing Monday, 31st August
School starts for Years 7, 10 and 12 on Thursday, 3rd September.
School starts for all other year groups on Friday, 4th September.
Your child will be briefed on all the new arrangements on their first morning. Plenty of staff will be available to show them where to go and how to access the building.
Arrival at School
Pupils should arrive at school no earlier than 8.20am.
Doors will be opened at 8.30am and registration will take place at 8.40am.
There will be no breakfast provision and pupils will not have access to the dining hall at the start of the day.
Year groups will be allocated a specific entrance and staircase as follows:
Year Group | Entrance | Staircase |
Year 11, 12 and 13 | Enter through the winter garden | Use staircase 1 |
Year 7 and 8 | Enter at the gable end (red Lonning end) | Use staircase 2 |
Year 9 and 10 | Enter at the front of the building (not the main entrance) | Use staircase 3 |
Pupils will follow our dedicated one-way system and will use only their designated staircase to access different floors throughout the day.
Please note that parents should not access the building without a prior appointment.
Break and Lunchtime
Our break and lunch times will be staggered. Pupils will be given designated areas within the building and also on the yard. Pupils will be able to access their designated areas whilst staying as much as possible in their year groups. Government guidance states there is no need for social distancing within a year group.
There will be no food available at break time so pupils may wish to bring one small snack.
During Lessons
Pupils will be side by side facing the front. Pupils will not sit face to face. Pupils will ‘wipe into a lesson’ – this means that as they enter the class, they will have sanitising wipes to wipe down their chair and desk before use.
Changing Lessons
When pupils are changing lessons there will be more than one year group on the corridor and staircases at any one time. Pupils should wear a mask at lesson change over. PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR CHILD WITH A MASK FROM THE FIRST DAY.
Pupils should not wear masks in lessons. If you wish your child to wear a mask in lessons then please put this in writing to us and we will insist, on your behalf, that they wear their mask at all times.
There will be sanitising stations at every entrance and sanitiser will be available in classrooms. Pupils will be encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly.
Other Operational Issues
Pupils should bring their PE kit on timetabled days. They will be able to use our changing rooms in their year group. They do not need PE kit on the first day.
To reduce contact, the dinner money machine will not be available and therefore please ensure that dinner money is put on your child’s account at home.
School uniform should be worn in full.
No jewellery, other than one stud per ear should be worn.
School will finish at 3.25pm (Monday to Wednesday) and 2.30pm (Thursday and Friday).
School will look a little different and we will all have to get used to new routines and habits. It will help us greatly if you can talk through how school will look a little different, before we return, including the importance of sticking to our COVID arrangements.
We will continue to ensure that school as is safe as we can make it while providing a rich and exciting curriculum that allows all of our pupils to once again learn alongside their friends.
We look forward to welcoming you all back.
Yours faithfully
Emma Jackson
Head Teacher