Dear Parent(s)/Guardian
As we are all well aware, the issues surrounding the Coronavirus continue to cause difficulties within our communities and I would like to reiterate the current rules surrounding what activity is allowed under the current regulations and request that you explain these to your children aged 11 and over when they are travelling to and from school and when they are out with friends.
Pupils are advised to wear face coverings on public or school transport to and from school.
Children should also wear face coverings when they enter any retail premises or food outlets.
Pupils whilst waiting for transport should practice social distancing and maintain a 2 metre gap between each other in any organised queue provided by the school.
Children should not be gathering together in groups and should stay at least two metres apart from people they do not live with. This is particularly relevant at the beginning and end of the school day.
If your child is going out with friends, the maximum number of people allowed in a group is 6 indoors or outdoors. Again they should maintain wherever possible social distancing. Please reinforce this to your children as this differs from what they are allowed to do when in school and can understandably be confusing for a child.
Can I request that you encourage your children to respond positively to any direction given to them by a Police Officer or Police Community Support Officer when out and about.
Should the need arise where a child is returned home by an officer, it is possible that a fixed penalty notice will be issued to the parent or guardian of that child.
Officers will continue to engage positively with your children and encourage them to follow these simple rules.
Your help and support is greatly appreciated during these difficult times.
Police Sergeant Mitch Franks
West Cumbria Child Centred Policing Team