Well done to our latest winners of Student of the Week!
Below are all the nominations and reasons. Keep up the hard work everyone!
Year 7:
All nominated by Mrs Bridgman for being Kahoot Champions in History this week with full marks!
Year 8:
Dylan Mills He has worked exceptionally hard (as always) this half-term & completed every piece of work I’ve asked him to. Science – Mrs Burnup
Finn McDowell for the whole half term, he has worked really hard, always answering questions and trying his very best to understand Islam and complete all the work set to the best of his ability. I also have him for French and he has had the same attitude throughought. RE/French – Mrs Needham
Erin Duffy for producing fantastic artwork and does above and beyond. Art Miss Timney
Jake Robertshaw for trying really hard with all of his lessons. Miss Bright
Lizzie Oldfield For her hard work in French. Mr Arins
Year 9:
Alissar Al Haman & Yazzan Fatteh for excellent work in Science – Mrs Webb Shirley
Ben Pearce for French for always turning up with the right attitude and getting his work done – Mrs Needham
Sophie Roberts for an excellent final design piece in DT – Ms Mitchell
Robson Bennett, Jackson Jardine, Eden Holmes for excellent engagement in online learning. Always willing to answer questions and submits work on time. Mrs Savage
Year 10:
Year 11:
Sam Garroway for resilience and effort in Chemistry
Holly Laing for her exceptional work in RE
Ava Leadbetter for always contributing to live lessons and handing in superb quality work in science
Iona McGrath for her huge efforts throughout lockdown in her French lessons
Honey Hodgson for attending all her online lessons and being fantastic in Biology
Oliver Curwen for outstanding during his online learning sessions in engineering.
Gracie Kiddie for attending all the online Biology lessons and being fantastic.
Sixth Form: