By attending West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form (WCCSF), you agree to abide by the following code of conduct:
- I will respect the general rules and policies of the WCCSFC. I will behave maturely whilst on school premises, and in the wider community.
- I will treat all students and staff with respect.
- I will treat the centre and other students’ property with respect and care.
- I will abide by the sixth form Attendance & Punctuality Code; arriving at school and lessons on time. Maintaining good punctuality and attendance (> 95% attendance) are essential in guaranteeing a place at the Yr13 Summer Ball. Extenuating circumstances will be looked at; however, the final decision lies with the Head of Sixth Form (HOSF).
- I will aim for 100% attendance to all sessions, including RE, non-qualification activities, Extended Project and course activities if applicable.
- I will inform my tutor and subject teachers of absences and, if it is anticipated, complete the required paperwork.
- I will complete all work to the best of my abilities.
- I will take responsibility for my own learning and use my Independent Study periods effectively, doing extra reading and research beyond the syllabus. I will come equipped and ready to learn. I will complete all homework and coursework on time and to the best of my ability.
- I understand that if I am not using my Independent Study time effectively, I may be required to attend additional Directed Study periods to support my learning.
- I will attend designated independent study sessions and or after school study sessions if I am requested to do so.
- I will regularly check Edulink and Teams for homework/school messages.
- I will attend progress review meetings and target setting evenings.
- I will work to maintain Attitude to Learning grades of either 4 or 5.
- I will inform my tutor of any personal circumstances which may affect my performance.
- I will discuss with subject teachers subject-related problems and seek assistance where necessary.
- If I leave school premises for lunch, I will electronically sign-out on the screen in Reception and sign-in on my return, in plenty of time for my lesson, period 4.
- I will adhere to the dress code to wear and display my sixth form ID badge at all times.
- I will use my phone as per the school mobile phone policy, which is available on the school website.