Student Stars – 20th November 2023

Well done to our latest group of STUDENT STARS who were today awarded their points and certificates!

Year 7 – Isabella Asquith Awarded for her contributions to class discussions every RE lesson – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Casey-Leigh Bennett Awarded for her excellent class work in Science – Mrs Theaker

Year 7 – Eden-Grace McAlone (not available for photo) – Awarded for always working diligently and being proactive in her study of English – Miss Thompson

Year 7 – Lulah Marsh (not available for photo) – Awarded for her efforts in playing Happy Birthday on the ukulele in Music – Mr Marr

Year 8 – Israel Taiwo (not available for photo) – Awarded for his great contributions to RE lessons – Mrs Needham

Year 8 – Blake Dakin (not available for photo) – Awarded for completing a brilliant weather description in English. He listened to all the feedback and made improvements – Ms Fitzmaurice

Year 9 – James Mills Awarded for his contributions to our lesson on St Teresa of Calcutta. He showed great recall and enthusiasm – Mrs Needham

Year 10 – Ruby Tyson  – Awarded for having good focus in lessons – Mrs Reed

Year 10 – Mia Smurthwaite  – Awarded for her great effort in class – Mr Gabuguga

Year 10 – Lilly Murphy (not available for photo) – Awarded for always trying hard and putting effort into her classwork. Well Done – Mr Charlton

Year 10 – Izzy Rudd (not available for photo) – Awarded for great contribution in class and answering questions – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Lacey Smith Awarded for acting as excellent judges at the Primary Dance Competition. Lacey & Summer independently choreographed and performed a beautiful piece to open the competition. They all inspired and helped the children through their routines and Warren performed a wonderful solo before the competition concluded with group routines. They were all role models and perfect ambassadors– Mrs Grealish

Year 11 – Isobel Hood – Awarded for acting as excellent judges at the Primary Dance Competition. Lacey & Summer independently choreographed and performed a beautiful piece to open the competition. They all inspired and helped the children through their routines and Warren performed a wonderful solo before the competition concluded with group routines. They were all role models and perfect ambassadors – Mrs Grealish

Year 11 – Warren Neaves – Awarded for acting as excellent judges at the Primary Dance Competition. Lacey & Summer independently choreographed and performed a beautiful piece to open the competition. They all inspired and helped the children through their routines and Warren performed a wonderful solo before the competition concluded with group routines. They were all role models and perfect ambassadors –Mrs Grealish

Year 11 – Summer Thompson (not available for photo) – Awarded for acting as excellent judges at the Primary Dance Competition. Lacey & Summer independently choreographed and performed a beautiful piece to open the competition. They all inspired and helped the children through their routines and Warren performed a wonderful solo before the competition concluded with group routines. They were all role models and perfect ambassadors – Mrs Grealish

Year 11 – Sophie Atkinson (not available for photo) – Awarded for producing good quality homework in RE Mr Gaguguga

Sixth Form – Niahh Burns Awarded for always working hard and meeting deadlines, even handing work in early! Well done! Mr Charlton

Sixth Form – Natasha McDonald Awarded for outstanding knowledge and problem solving in Particle Physics – Mrs Kelso

Sixth Form – Jackson JardineAwarded for being a star during Sixth Form Open Evening – Mr Harrison

Sixth Form – Jacob Schwab (not available for photo)  – Awarded for working well in Computer Science and representing the Computing Department at the Sixth Form Open Evening Mr Crosthwaite

Sixth Form – Jessica McGarry (not available for photo) – Awarded for being a star during Sixth Form Open Evening – Mr Harrison