Year 7 – Gracie MartinAwarded for consistently contributing to her RE lessons and having a brilliant attitude to learning – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Kian Lightfoot (not available for photo) – Awarded for his excellent work in Food Technology. He has been working very carefully and sensibly and produced some lovely dishes – Mrs Jackson

Year 8 – Sofia Redmond Awarded for always does the right thing and great subject knowledge in Science – Mrs Reed

Year 8 – Darcie Jacques (not available for photo) – Awarded for her wonderful rendering of Titus Salt in clay in History. Well done! – Mrs Muncaster

Year 8 – Logan Howland (not available for photo) – Awarded for volunteering and being helpful in class on regular basis. Excellent subject knowledge in Science – Mrs Reed

Year 9 – Harrison Fletcher Awarded for his constant excellent contributions, his efforts in the challenges of learning a new language and his already extensive knowledge of philosophy. He is truly amazing – Mrs Needham (RE & German)

Year 10 – Sophia JusonAwarded for reading very well in assembly and showing diligence – Mrs Percival Boyton 

Year 10 – Immy Smith (not available for photo) – Awarded for displaying stewardship & truthfulness helping out a friend – Mrs Percival Boyton

Year 11 – Chelsea Callander Awarded for working really hard on her revision and doing her very best at all times in English – Mrs McKee

Year 11 – Sophia Pugh (not available for photo) – Awarded for working extremely hard despite everything that she has going on at the moment. She has been to ask me for work ready for her absence from school because she is so keen and dedicated to keep on top of her studies – Miss Penrice

Sixth Form – Eden Holmes Awarded for being awesome student ambassadors in Assembly and representing the Sixth Form brilliantly – Mrs Muncaster

Sixth Form – Mia Landells – Awarded for being awesome student ambassadors in Assembly and representing the Sixth Form brilliantly – Mrs Muncaster

Sixth Form – Rebekah Falcon Awarded for showing great knowledge and understanding during verbal discussions in Science – Ms Reed

Sixth Form – William Norman Awarded for being awesome student ambassadors in Assembly and representing the Sixth Form brilliantly – Mrs Muncaster

Sixth Form – Jackson Jardine Awarded for being awesome student ambassadors in Assembly and representing the Sixth Form brilliantly – Mrs Muncaster

Sixth Form – Tom ShieldsAwarded for impeccable work in Physics. Tom is demonstrating a consistent high standard in completing all his Physics work. He is extremely diligent in his standard of work – Mrs Kelso

Sixth Form – Bradley Keenan – Awarded for his outstanding performance in his Year 12 Physics electricity assessment. Bradley demonstrates humility in his success – Mrs Kelso