Year 7 – Student of the Week – Margaret Quirong Awarded for her extensive independent research on Purgatory that she undertook to further understand her learning from her RE lesson – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Student of the Week – Matthew Lee (pictured below with the other cricket team members) – Awarded for his excellent performance and attitude in the Year 7 cricket team which resulted in a convincing win. And also for demonstrating an improved confidence in his verbal feedback in English lessons recently – Mr Spires & Mrs Young

Year 7 – Student Star – Isabella Joyce Awarded for the way she has settled into her class, demonstrating diligence in actively trying to catch up on work covered before she joined the school – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Student Star – Logan Joyce Awarded for the way he has settled into her class, demonstrating diligence in actively trying to catch up on work covered before she joined the school – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Student Star – Harry Keeler Awarded for his excellent performance and attitude in the Year 7 cricket team which resulted in a convincing win – Mr Spires

Year 7 – Student Star – Rylan Todd Awarded for his excellent performance and attitude in the Year 7 cricket team which resulted in a convincing win – Mr Spires

Year 7 – Student Star – Oliver Maguire – Awarded for his excellent performance and attitude in the Year 7 cricket team which resulted in a convincing win – Mr Spires

Year 7 – Student Star – Micah McAdam Awarded for his excellent performance and attitude in the Year 7 cricket team which resulted in a convincing win – Mr Spires

Year 7 – Student Star – Mark-Anthony Smurthwaite Awarded for his excellent performance and attitude in the Year 7 cricket team which resulted in a convincing win – Mr Spires

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Clayton Roper Awarded for asking questions in order to understand things better in RE – Mrs Needham

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Bella Sheerin-Wilson (not available for photo) – Awarded for continued good effort in English, a positive and sensible attitude and for an excellent big write in English – Mrs Fox

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Chidubem Ozumba Awarded after receiving two nominations. First for settling in well and working hard, making valued contributions in Science. And also for the effort he has put into History. He is a polite & respectful student – Mrs Theaker & Mr Hughes

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Chantelle Jenkinson (not available for photo) – Awarded for receiving two nominations, both for similar reasons! For always being lovely in in class and quietly getting on with her work, giving it her best effort – Mr Yong & Miss Bradley

Year 9 – Student Star – Thomas HodgsonAwarded for being so polite and always trying his best. I could nominate him every week – Mr Merry

Year 9 – Student Star – Harrison Fletcher (not available for photo) – Awarded for his great enthusiasm every single lesson of RE & MFL – Mrs Needham

Year 9 – Student Star – James Mills (not available for photo) – Awarded for being so amazing every single lesson of RE & MFL – Mrs Needham

Year 9 – Student Star – Niall Handisides (not available for photo) – Awarded for having really good ideas for his Gothic Big Write – Mrs Thompson

Year 9 – Student Star – Oliver Hodgson (not available for photo) – Awarded for showing a positive attitude in our ELSA sessions – Mrs Shervington

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Mia Smurthwaite – Awarded for hard work and effort and excellent homework in English – Mrs Fox

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Ollie Robson (not available for photo) – Awarded for being quietly brilliant – Mrs Fitzmaurice 

Year 10 – TJ Cueto (not available for photo) – Awarded for always working hard in Biology, answers questions and completes his work to a high standard – Miss O’Fee