Year 7 – Student of the Week – Jacob Parkes Awarded for his organised and methodical approach in Food Technology, as well as his willingness to always help others – Mrs Jackson

Year 7 – Student of the Week – Eva Clark Awarded for her continued effort in Computer Science – Mr McGaughey

Year 7 – Student Star – Danah Pattinson Awarded for her excellent effort and progress made in French – Mrs Jahromi

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Seanna Nicholls-Walker Awarded for excellent engagement in Food lessons – Mrs Jackson

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Joseph Maffia Awarded for his brilliant enthusiasm and diligence in French, he really is a pleasure to teach – Mrs Hannan

Year 8 – Student Star – Lillia HildredAwarded for excellent engagement and attitude in French on a really consistent basis – Mrs Jahromi

Year 8 – Student Star – Rebecca McCreadie – Awarded for working as hares in my primary school Cross Country Competition. An excellent role model, ambassador and mentor for the younger students visiting school – Mrs Grealish

Year 8 – Student Star – Hayden Nesbitt Awarded for having a positive attitude to work in RE –Mr Gabuguga

Year 8 – Student Star – Miley Newall – Awarded for working as hares in my primary school Cross Country Competition. An excellent role model, ambassador and mentor for the younger students visiting school – Mrs Grealish

Year 8 – Student Star – Evelyn Schwab (not available for photo) – Awarded for having a positive attitude good effort in RE –Mr Gabuguga

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Oliver Woodend – Awarded for consistent excellent engagement and focus in German – Great accent too! – Mrs Jahromi

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Romi Burns (not available for photo) – Awarded for making a great improvement to work and effort in class – Mr Cruise

Year 9 – Student Star – Seth GraffinAwarded for showing great diligence in supporting other students – Mr McGaughey

Year 9 – Student Star – Bailey Morley – Awarded for consistent effort in English – Mrs McKee

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Ava Maxwell Awarded for helping me organise a primary school Cross Country competition, acting as a great ambassador for the school – Mrs Grealish

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Archie Thompson (not available for photo) – Awarded for always being willing to have a go – Mrs Burnup

Year 10 – Student Star – Paige Gibbs Awarded for winning the cookery competition at Lakes College – Mr Boal

Year 10 – Student Star – Mille McKeown – Nominated twice, firstly for helping organise a primary school Cross Country competition, acting as a great ambassador for the school – Mrs Grealish Secondly for her consistent effort in his Business portfolio work both in class and at home – Mr Charlton

Year 10 – Student Star – Alfie Goodwin Awarded for his consistent effort in his Business portfolio work both in class and at home – Mr Charlton

Year 10 – Student Star – Jamie Parkinson (not available for photo)  – Awarded for reading the part of Mr Birling in An Inspector Calls and having an outstanding ATL overall – Mrs Fox

Year 10 – Student Star – Mia Smurthwaite (not available for photo)- Awarded for winning the cookery competition at Lakes College – Mr Boal

Year 10 – Student Star – Taylor Rodgers (not available for photo) Awarded for always being hardworking and making great contributions in class – Mrs Savage

Year 10 – Student Star – Ryley Henry Awarded for always trying his absolute hardest in Biology. He is a pleasure to teach – Miss McBlain

Year 10 – Student Star – Mason McCormick – Nominated twice, firstly for his outstanding attitude and work effort in Music – Mr Marr Secondly for always being willing to have a go – Mrs Burnup

Sixth Form – Student of the Week – Kacey Robinson (not available for photo) – Awarded for her stewardship and kindness within the Sixth Form – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Student Star – Mya Barwise Awarded for pleasing essays about language and social groups. They each demonstrated genuine personal engagement and their essay structure was effective – Miss Thompson

Sixth Form – Student Star – Sophie Roberts – Awarded for pleasing essays about language and social groups. They each demonstrated genuine personal engagement and their essay structure was effective – Miss Thompson

Sixth Form – Student Star – Eden Starkey Awarded for pleasing essays about language and social groups. They each demonstrated genuine personal engagement and their essay structure was effective – Miss Thompson

Sixth Form – Student Star – Leo Hamilton Awarded for being amazing during the IT Support interviews – Miss Flynn

Sixth Form – Student Star – Rebekah Falcon Awarded for being amazing during the IT Support interviews – Miss Flynn