Our Sixth Form Council are working hard already on organising lots of events for Sixth Form, including both social events and charity events. 

We caught up with the Head Students about their plans for the year ahead. 

Mycah said: 

“I’m delighted to take on the role of Head Student this year, and I’m particularly looking forward to working with  the Year 8 students. They are such a vibrant year group and I’ve already met so many lovely students.”

“We’ve also been focusing on lower school’s Student Council and Tutor Reps to really help amplify the voices of our younger students.”

“We have so many exciting events and opportunities planned and I’m glad to be working alongside the other Head Students and the rest of the Sixth Form Council to help make this an enjoyable and successful year for everyone.”

Niiah commented:

“I’m really excited to be the Head Student for Year 7 this year. I’ve been greatly looking forward to trying to benefit the school that I’ve been apart of for such a long time, whilst also making the school a better place for the students to become comfortable in a brand new environment.”

“If the rest of the year is anything like these first few weeks I can’t wait to continue helping the younger years adapt to school life.”

Mya is working with Year 9 and said:

“I’m really grateful to be given the role of Head Student for Year 9 and can’t wait to support and help prepare the students for the start of their journey into GCSEs!”

“Looking forward, I hope to have an impact on Year 9s supporting them with Student Council to get their ideas out there and become creative within the school. I can’t wait for the events we have planned for the school and sixth form with the rest of the Sixth Form Council which will hopefully be enjoyable for everyone involved!”

Josh commented: 

“It is fantastic to have the privilege of being one of the head students, I’m looking forward to the year ahead!  I have started to engage with the Year 10’s and Year 11’s and I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know the students better and support their experiences throughout the year.”

“I will get the chance to work with some students to help raise money for their year group charity (Hospice at Home) as well as helping the wider community.  We have already begun planning events and activities for Year 10 and Year 11. ”

“Additionally, within the sixth form council we have also got some great things lined for this academic year and I’m eager to see how these turn out.”

We can’t wait to see what the Sixth Form Council have planned, and how they will work with the younger students in school. 

Good luck everyone! 


Head Students:

Niiah B– Specific responsibility for Year 7
Mycah L – Specific responsibility for Year 8
Mya B – Specific Responsibility for Year 9
Josh G – Specific Responsibility for Year 10

All four will work together with Year 11

Other Positions:
William N – Chair
Narla L– Events Lead
Lana L – Treasurer
Isabelle R – Year 12 Liaison Lead
Alexia S – Charity Lead
Maisie B – Environment and Wider Community Lead
Isabella J – Publicity Lead