Lucy Hardy


Well-being Wednesday

We are getting excited about Well-being Wednesday and the opportunities it will give us to do something a bit different. Below are a number of activities you might try. They include a screen free challenge, a fitness challenge, a sporty challenge and another with a little screen time included. Screen Free ChallengeFitness ChallengeSport ChallengeA little...
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Virtual Work Experience

Year 10 and 12 Work Experience this year will be virtual due to the pandemic. Local employers are going to be offering opportunities for our work experience week commencing 5th July 2021 using the Speakers for Schools Platform. All pupils in Year 10 -13 have been asked to create an account with Speakers for Schools...
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National Apprenticeship Week

This week is National Apprenticeship Week. Check your messages on Edulink for  an optional workbook and teacher pack for you. This is something you can work through and it will help you to find out more about apprenticeships, the different levels, what they entail. There is also attached a parent pack so your Parent /...
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Student of the Week

Our students are working so hard during this latest lockdown, that we have decided to award more than one STUDENT OF THE WEEK, each week from the various nominations we receive. Below are this weeks winners, along with reasons for their nominations. Well done everyone!! Year 7: Xanthe Tyson – Mrs Bragg, English – “She...
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Letter from Mrs Jackson – 4th February

Dear Parents and Carers                                                                     We are aware how hard you are all working and how stressful life is at the moment.  For children, life is particularly difficult.  We know that our students are missing their friends, and the things that they enjoy doing.  Life can be lonely and there are few opportunities to make memories....
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Children’s Mental Health Week

Would you like to view this email in a web page? Click here Today is the start of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. This year the theme is ‘Express Yourself’ over the course of the week we will be publishing a daily 5 minute briefing with tips and how to access support. Getting Support for...
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Letter from Mrs Jackson – 29th January

Dear Parents and Carers I want to begin this letter by thanking you for all of the support that you are giving your children and the school during these unprecedented times.  Remote learning is extremely challenging for everyone.  I am also acutely aware that most of our pupils are teenagers and of course, that in...
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Student of the Week

All of our students are doing very well with the home learning, and we are very proud of how hard they are all trying! We would like to highlight these students as our ‘Students of the Week’ who have all earned their nominations for various reasons. Year 7 – Harley Wells – Nominated by Mrs...
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Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

There are many ways that we, as a school and a community, can commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 which takes place on Wednesday 27th January. Watch our school assembly about Holocaust Memorial Day on the 2021 theme: Be the light among the darkness. The Holocaust Educational Trust are hosting a webcast with Eve Kugler BEM...
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Virtual Work Experience Places Available

New Virtual Work Experience Opportunities Recruiting Now: ·         Royal Air Force Careers Insight Day – Access All Areas ·         Eligibility: 15+ ·         3 Dates still available: o   2nd March (Deadline 1st Feb) o   3rd March (Deadline 2nd Feb) o   4th March  (Deadline 3rd Feb) ·         Time: 10:00 – 15:00 ·         ST EMpowered Working in the Water Industry ·         Dates: 15th February 2021. ·         Eligibility: 16 – 19 year old students keen to find out more...
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