Lucy Hardy


Support over the Christmas Holidays

We have put together some resources for young people and families who may need it over the Christmas Holidays. Useful Links & Documents: Struggling at Christmas – Dealing with Loss – Download Struggling at Christmas – Family Difficulties – Download Struggling at Christmas – Loneliness – Download This December Kooth will also be featuring the...
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Year 8 Students Help with Food Project

We are very proud of two of our Year 8 students who have spent their weekend helping with the ‘Copeland Christmas Food Project.’ Sonny McAllister and Josie Rose from Year 8, both helped packing up 4000 Food Parcels as part of the Copeland Christmas Food Project, which is supporting children on free school meals. Not...
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Careers Update

Have you looked at the New Unifrog Special Opportunities tool to see about virtual work experience opportunities and activities you can do to enrich your CV? The guide is attached to help you navigate it. Amazing Apprenticeships Parent and Carers Pack (Years 9 – 13) Please download the December edition of the Parent/Carers Apprenticeship pack...
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Student of the Week

Congratulations to all of our winners of Student of the Week who have this week received their certificates and achievement points from Mrs Jackson. Keep up the hard work! Below are the reasons for their nominations: Year 7 – Sam Ward – “Sam is to be commended for his excellent engagement in English lessons and...
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Year 11 Students take part in Virtual World of Work session

Some of our Year 11 students have recently took part in an interactive World of Work Session kindly organised for us by Morgan Sindall. Representatives  from Inspira, Speakers for Schools, our Enterprise adviser Gary Martin and a variety of staff from Morgan Sindall via the Speakers for Schools platform. The students had an introduction by...
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Letter from Mrs Jackson – 4th December

Dear Parents and Carers As you are aware, we are approaching the end of a very difficult year.  We have been giving some thought as to how we can make the end of term special. On Thursday, 10th of December, we will have Christmas lunch in school. This will be charged at £3 a head...
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Student of the Week

Congratulations to our latest recipients of ‘Student of the Week’ who have this week received their certificates from Mrs Jackson, and their achievement points. Keep up the good work everyone! Year 7 – Tilly Finley (not available for photo) – “Tilly is to be commended for her outstanding effort in English classes.” – Mr North...
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New initiative launched for Engineering Students

St Benedict’s Catholic High School is pleased to launch a new initiative – The St Benedict’s Skills Passport which is for students who are currently studying the BTEC Level 2 Award in Engineering. The initiative has been set up in partnership with local firms McMenon Engineering Services LTD, James Walker LTD, PPS Electrical LTD, Shepley...
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Student of the Week

It was a clean sweep for the girls this week with our Student of the Week winners! They have all received a certificate from Mrs Jackson, and 99 achievement points. Congratulations everyone, keep up the good work! Year 7 – Ruby Tyson – “Ruby is to be commended for her amazing Attitude to Learning in...
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Student of the Week

Congratulation to this weeks’ winners of our STUDENT OF THE WEEK award! Each student has received 99 achievement points, and a certificate from Mrs Jackson today. Year 7 – Corey Donnelly – “Corey is to be commended for achieving 100% in his ‘What is History?’ Assessment, which was amazing! He also stayed behind to help...
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