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Year 7 – Jacob Smallwood (not available for photo) – Awarded for his excellent effort in Maths, particularly with getting involved in class discussions and offering answers – Miss Hunter Year 7 – Mason Bodman (not available for photo)- Nominated twice! Firstly for demonstrating humility...
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Each of our Year Groups this year have a chosen a charity that they will be working with throughout the year to raise awareness and much needed funds. Last week our Year 11 representatives met with reps from Hospice at Home West Cumbria to find...
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Year 7 – Hanna Hajduga – Awarded for her fantastic attitude to learning in French lessons. She has been very helpful in class and a great role model for her peers – Mrs Jahromi Year 7 – Ashton Watson – Awarded for his fantastic attitude...
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Year 7 – Chinazom Agbata – Nominated twice! Firstly for her fantastic attitude and behaviour & always using polite manners in her Art & Design lessons. Secondly for her fantastic work in Maths – Miss Timney & Mr Walker Year 7 – Jonah Nicholls –...
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Today we have awarded our first winners of ‘Student of the Week’ with their certificates and achievement points. Each student was given a certificate from Mrs Jackson, and awarded 50 achievement points. Well done to all of our winners! Year 7 – Noah McLaughlin –...
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