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Out latest group of Student of the Week winners have today been awarded their certificate from Mrs Jackson. Well done to all of the students, some of whom are pictured below. Those who were unavailable for the presentation have still received their certificate and 99...
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You can now use the school library after school in a socially distanced way – with certain year groups allowed to use it on certain days.  The library will be split into 2 separate areas in the after school sessions so that your year group...
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This week we have been very proud to see two our of students accept their awards from the REACT Foundation. Indy Warneford, and Aaron Eldon who are both currently studying at our Sixth Form, were presented via a virtual ceremony due to the normal event...
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A useful guide from Cumbria County Council with regards to COVID-19 symptoms:
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We were very pleased to welcome the team from Castlerigg Manor (Lancaster Diocese Youth Service) who are joining us one day a week to assist with Youth Ministry in the school. Yesterday, they led workshops and reflections with Year 10 students, specifically on the relationship...
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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui.