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Mrs Kelso has had the pleasure of presenting two of our students with their certificates this week for the completion of the ‘Your Community’ project. Robson Bennett (Year 9) and Grace Wright (Year 10) completed the project online every Friday evening between March & April 2021. It was delivered by Centre for Leadership Performance with support and funding from Hello Futures. ‘Your Community’ is designed to provide opportunities for young...
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Another fabulous week from our Students, and today we awarded the below students with their certificates for being named ‘STUDENT OF THE WEEK. Year 7 – Edie Canavan – “Edie is to be commended for achieving 99% on her Art exam; you are very talented Edie!” – Miss Timney Year 7 – Jamie Parkinson – “Jamie is to be commended for continuing to work well in every Maths lesson; well...
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This week we appointed our new Head Boy & Head Girl for Sixth Form, along with their deputies. Indy Warneford and David Labiano are the new Head Girl & Boy for Sixth Form and will lead the Council in the new term. Indy said: “I’m very excited to have been given the position of Head Girl at St Benedict’s. I’m proud to represent the other students, and look forward to...
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Four of our students have recently taken part in an Open Water Swimming Competition, which was a first for some of them! Luke Makin, Jackson Jardine, Michael Conery and Rebecca Amor all took part in the competition, and are all swimmers for Copeland ASC. Luke Makin from Year 7, finished third in his year group. This was his first time in an open water event. He swims for Copeland ASC...
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Over the past couple of weeks, we have had two groups of students take part in their Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards, organised through Cumbria Youth Alliance (CYA). The first group were all from Year 10. They had been unable to complete their Bronze Award in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. They were Tahlia Sim, Maisie Wilson, Maddison Dixon, Courtney Lancaster, Casey-Layla Mawson and Amber Diamond. They have...
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