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Dear Parents, Carers and Students It is with extreme regret and disappointment that we have decided to cancel our Prom on the 20th March.  This is not a decision that we have taken lightly, but it is one that cannot be avoided.  We have considered alternative dates, but sadly, our endeavours have been in vain and we will not be able to re-arrange it. We understand that for many of...
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Dear Parents and Carers Following the Government’s announcement about the re-opening of schools, we are currently working our way through the guidance and working out our plan for a safe and secure return to school.  This includes working out a programme of testing for all pupils. OFQUAL have not yet published its response to the consultation about how grades will be awarded to Year 11 and Year 13.  We will...
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During lockdown we have had to transfer a lot of school life to a virtual life, and this is happening within our Careers Development also. Before half term, we heard from Professor Stephen Neethling of Imperial College. He told students about Imperial College and University Life. He answered questions about what to expect when going to University and how Covid has affected university life and learning. Willow Warneford one of...
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Huge congratulations to one of our Year 11 students, Leanna Giles who has recently gained a Scholarship with Sunderland Ladies FC. This is a fantastic achievement, and Leanna will move over there in September. Leanna has travelled to Sunderland 3 or 4 times a week for the past 5 years showing huge commitment, which has now paid off. Sunderland Women’s Scholars said: “Leanna is an incredible footballer with a huge...
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Copeland Borough Council are currently inviting applications for a new payment of £500 for parents who will lose income – or have lost income – as a result of their child having to self-isolate. Any assistance you can offer to share this information in your school community would be much appreciated. Currently, Test and Test Support Payments are only paid to eligible individuals on a low income, who are instructed...
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