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188 of our Year 11 students have this week had the pleasure of taking part in their Mock Interviews – this time virtually!Due to COVID-19 businesses were not able to visit school to take part in these interviews which are a really important learning experience for the students. Students were set up online to take part in the interviews virtually with representatives from Jacobs, Orano, DRS, PPM. With it being...
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Well done to some of our Year 12 Students who recently entered #TheBigDrawCumbria Art Competition through University of Cumbria They were tasked with using recycled materials to create their piece. We look forward to hearing if we have any winners! Well done everyone, some marvellous pieces
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We are very excited to announce that our new virtual library is now live: This gives students access to thousands of digital books, alongside the print library in school. The library catalogue is full of bestselling, popular fiction titles and will offer your children a 24/7 access to a digital library in addition to the print library in school. Students can have 2 books out on loan at any...
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Congratulations to our latest winners of STUDENT OF THE WEEK! Today they were presented with their certificates from Mrs Jackson and also received their achievement points. Year 7 – Cameron Marsh – ‘Cameron is to be commended for his good effort and explanation to questions in Maths class.’ – Mr Sale Year 8 – Sophie Robinson – ‘Sophie is to be commended for handing in an excellent piece of Science...
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Dear Parents/ CarersAs I have said before, I have been extremely proud of how the vast majority of pupils have adapted to our new systems and procedures. As the second national lockdown begins, it is an appropriate time to review some of oursystems to ensure that we try to keep everyone as safe as possible. There are some challenging times ahead, but we are working extremely hard to ensure we...
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