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Year 7 – Jessica Heasley – is to be commended for her great attitude and always giving 100% in Design Technology; she is always willing to have a go at answering questions and she helps others. Well done Jessica! – Mr Andrews Year 8 – Alana Hetherington (not available for photo) – is to be commended for helping and assisting other learners with their woodwork, explaining how to improve their...
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Last week Sixth Formers Jack, Charleigh, Scott, David and Matei spoke in assembly as student role models about their high aspirations.  They addressed Year 10 students and made a huge impact, talking about their dreams and how they are working hard to achieve them. They told students about academic and sporting excellence and the importance of having a Plan B and never be afraid of changing your mind. Year 10...
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Year 7 – Eva Dunn – is to be commended for her great enthusiasm, organisation and effort in Science whilst doing an ‘investigating speed’ practical. Well done Eva! – Miss McBlain Year 7 – Tyler Richards (not available for photo) – is to be commended for the great work on his latest ‘Big Write’ in English; Miss Thompson said it was very interesting to read. Well done Tyler! – Miss...
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Today we presented our new groups of students with their Student of the Week awards! Well done everyone! Year 7 – Charlotte Ackerley – is to be commended for an excellent attitude towards her learning and progress made in French. Well done Charlotte! – Mrs Jahromi Year 7 – Aryana Ramzanalipour – is to be commended for showing great diligence in her Science work recently; she overcame challenges when plotting...
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Three very talented students from St Benedict’s School have recently been presented with their REACT Foundation’s Post 16 Award.    The awards are designed to encourage West Cumbrian students to think about a career in engineering, with REACT offering bursaries to students intending to study STEM subjects at University and Sixth Form.   Mrs Kelso, Assistant Headteacher comments: “We are delighted that the hard work and outstanding achievements of our...
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