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Welcome to our End of Term Newsletter. Here you will find a round up of the terms news, details of upcoming events and messages from our Headteacher and Chair of Governors, as well as important dates for the next term. Latest News Round Up Student of the Week Winners Message from Headteacher: Dear Parents and Carers We are now in Holy Week and that seems an appropriate time to reflect...
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This week, we have been working with the Centre For Leadership Performance on a Year 8 Entrepreneurial project. We are trialling this new scheme with two of our Year 8 classes over the next half term. If successful the project will be rolled out to other secondary schools in West Cumbria. The two classes will be given £50 each and they will compete to see who can make their money...
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St Benedict’s has recently been the subject of a case study into ‘Best Practise linking the Curriculum to Careers.’ Cumbria LEP produced the case study, and talked to various members of staff and students alike to find out how we promote careers within the school curriculum. Careers education is an integral part of the curriculum here at St Benedict’s. and is led by our SLT Lead for Careers – Mrs...
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Congratulations to our latest group of ‘Student of the Week’ winners! They have today been presented with their certificates and received their achievement points. Year 7 – Miller Wood – for excellent effort and ATL – Mrs Thompson, English Year 8 – Aviya Burns – She has really pushed herself this week. Adding fantastic extra detail to her writing independently. She has fitted back into school life really well and...
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A group of our Year 10 have this week been presented with their certificates for taking part in a Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) scheme over half term. The students involved were Olivia Thomson, Joe Cottrell, Caleb Smith, Emi-Leigh Rudd, Rhys Jackson, Aaron Smith, Harry Finlinson, Layla Fatialofa, Jessica Kitchen, Missy Freestone and Bethany Forbes. The week-long Virtual Work Experience initiative saw the students log in using Google Classroom and take...
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