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Message to all Parents/Carers We must inform you that school will close at 10:30am this morning as we have no running hot water. Due to the ongoing pandemic we cannot ensure the health and safety of pupils and staff.  Closing the school is a very complex operation we thank you in advance for your patience.  In order to close safely please can you do the following:- Send a text message...
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As we can’t welcome you into school this year, we will be posting videos and content on our website over the next few days. Full details will be launched on Thursday 17th September. Here is an overview of St Benedict’s:
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Dear Parents/ Carers As we draw towards the end of our first full week I wanted to contact you to thank you for the enormous amount of support we have had during this unprecedented time. It has been a pleasure to welcome our new Year 7 and 12 students. They have settled quickly and it is lovely to see so many of them making new friends. We have also welcomed...
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Dear Parent / Carer I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new parental information and communication system, Edulink One.  We will be using this system to provide you with essential school information for your child throughout the academic year. Edulink One is a purpose-built parental communication tool in the form of an iOS and Android App – with support from a website for those unable...
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Please see attached letter from Fellview Healthcare Centre re testing for COVID-19 for Fellview patients only. Kind Regards Emma JacksonHeadteacher Fellview Letter – 9th September
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