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Dear Parents/ Carers As we approach the end of term, I would like to provide you with some information that might ease the transition in September. Below is a list of the tutor groups for each year group.  Pupils currently in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will continue in the same tutor group moving into their new year group. For example, pupils in 7 Lucy will move up to...
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We are pleased to announce the winners of this years PE & PA Awards. We are very sorry we couldn’t have our normal awards evening with you, but we are still very proud of you all and what you have achieved. Full list below:  
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Dear Parents/ Carers I would like to start this letter by thanking you for your support throughout the last three months.  It has been a difficult and unprecedented time for us all, but we have really pulled together as a school community.  I would also like to thank you for all your hard work with home learning.  It is our intention that all of the home learning work will remain...
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Dear Year 11 students I hope this letter finds you and your family well. As a sixth form we are committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to our students. Having reviewed our options, receiving feedback from our current students and in light of the changed situation this year with regard to the cancellation of GCSE exams, we have taken the decision that as of September students at the...
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Dear Parent/Carer Families join St Benedict’s because of its excellent standards; it provides the best care and education.  Our students are extremely smart and we place the highest regard on their personal presentation and therefore the way they wear their uniform.  We value the full support that parents/carers give in ensuring that their child meets the uniform expectations and ultimately succeeds at school and we expect our students to be...
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