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Year 11 Student gains scholarship with Sunderland Ladies FC

Huge congratulations to one of our Year 11 students, Leanna Giles who has recently gained a Scholarship with Sunderland Ladies FC. This is a fantastic achievement, and Leanna will move over there in September. Leanna has travelled to Sunderland 3 or 4 times a week for the past 5 years showing huge commitment, which has...
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Copeland Borough Council Discretionary Fund

Copeland Borough Council are currently inviting applications for a new payment of £500 for parents who will lose income – or have lost income – as a result of their child having to self-isolate. Any assistance you can offer to share this information in your school community would be much appreciated. Currently, Test and Test...
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St Benedict’s Set Great Example on Careers Education

St Benedict’s has been cited as a great example of how to deliver careers education and work experience despite the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. St Benedict’s has continued to roll out a full careers programme to all students across all year groups despite school closure and periods of lockdown. It has done so...
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Letter from Mrs Jackson – 12th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers As we approach the end of the half term, I would like to thank you for all your support and understanding throughout this lock down period.  We are very proud of the remote learning we have provided, but we are mindful that children learning from home is not easy for anyone....
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Student of the Week

It’s been another great week of home learning from our students, and lots to choose from for our STUDENTS OF THE WEEK! Below are all of this weeks winners, and the reasons for their nominations. Ayrton Broomhead – Maths / Mr Sale – regularly offering answers Ben Stephenson – Maths / Mr Sale – regularly...
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Well-being Wednesday

We are getting excited about Well-being Wednesday and the opportunities it will give us to do something a bit different. Below are a number of activities you might try. They include a screen free challenge, a fitness challenge, a sporty challenge and another with a little screen time included. Screen Free ChallengeFitness ChallengeSport ChallengeA little...
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Virtual Work Experience

Year 10 and 12 Work Experience this year will be virtual due to the pandemic. Local employers are going to be offering opportunities for our work experience week commencing 5th July 2021 using the Speakers for Schools Platform. All pupils in Year 10 -13 have been asked to create an account with Speakers for Schools...
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National Apprenticeship Week

This week is National Apprenticeship Week. Check your messages on Edulink for  an optional workbook and teacher pack for you. This is something you can work through and it will help you to find out more about apprenticeships, the different levels, what they entail. There is also attached a parent pack so your Parent /...
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Student of the Week

Our students are working so hard during this latest lockdown, that we have decided to award more than one STUDENT OF THE WEEK, each week from the various nominations we receive. Below are this weeks winners, along with reasons for their nominations. Well done everyone!! Year 7: Xanthe Tyson – Mrs Bragg, English – “She...
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Letter from Mrs Jackson – 4th February

Dear Parents and Carers                                                                     We are aware how hard you are all working and how stressful life is at the moment.  For children, life is particularly difficult.  We know that our students are missing their friends, and the things that they enjoy doing.  Life can be lonely and there are few opportunities to make memories....
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