Welcome to our End of Term Newsletter for December 2024. You can read below, a letter from Mrs Jackson, and see all our news highlights of the year so far.

Letter from Mrs Jackson:

Dear Parents and Carers

As we approach the end of another successful term here at St Benedict’s I would like to thank you for your continued support.

We started the year as usual with a large intake of Year 7 and Year 12. We are delighted with the way everyone has settled in.

We have had much to celebrate over the term. As always at St Benedict’s our sports teams have excelled both locally and beyond. Football, netball and rugby squads, alongside our cross-country team have all been successful.

We now have an active school band and dance club. Our talented musicians and performing arts students have performed at a variety of occasions and performances, but the highlight for me was the amazing Talent Show earlier in the term.

We know how important it is for our students to access the curriculum in many ways. I have been so impressed by the number of trips, visits, and visitors our students have experienced this term. These have included opportunities in History, Geography, Maths, Art, and Business as well as many others, far too numerous to mention. We have also welcomed many visitors to school to discuss everything from mental health to maths. I am also delighted that many trips and visits abroad have resumed, and I love to see the
pictures of our students all over Europe.

We continue to teach many things beyond the academic curriculum in our personal health and social education programme. This has included healthy living, on-line safety, and careers guidance to name but a few.

Our students impress me every day with the way they live out our virtues. Our extremely successful Catholic inspection earlier in the year was a moment of great pride. Pupils engage whole heartedly in the many opportunities to work diligently, help others, and demonstrate care for our environment.

As we move into 2025, I know that our dedicated and hardworking staff will ensure we continue to thrive as a school, and I look forward to seeing the many things that our students will achieve.

Once again, thank you for all your support. Have a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

Emma Jackson

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