Welcome to our End of Term Newsletter. Here you will find a round up of the Easter Awards, details of upcoming events and messages from our Headteacher and important dates for the next term.

Message from Headteacher:
Dear Parents and Carers
We are now fast approaching the end of term I would like to begin by thanking you all for the continued support you give to your child and the staff in school.
This has been a very challenging term as COVID remains an issue in terms of pupil and staff absence. However, thanks to the sensible approach of parents and the goodwill of all our hard-working staff I am sure that we have provided the best possible education we can throughout the term.
At this time of year, our Year 11 and 13 students are busy revising and preparing for exams.
During the summer term, students in all year groups will take end of year exams, this will be a chance for all of them to show us what they can do. We wish everyone the best of luck.
Easter will hopefully be a time of rest and recuperation. I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed when we return.
School starts again on Tuesday 19th April.
Have a very Happy and Holy Easter

Emma Jackson
Head Teacher
Easter Award Winners
As it’s the end of term, we have had our special Easter Awards Assemblies this week. Below are some our our well deserved winners!
Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 11

Well done to all of our winners, including those who won the STUDENT OF THE WEEK draw and received £50 voucher!