Welcome to our End of Term Newsletter.

Here you will find a round up of the terms news, details of upcoming events and messages from our Headteacher and Chair of Governors, as well as important dates for the next term.
Below is a round up of our news this term, it’s been a busy one!
Message from Headteacher:
Dear Parents and Carers
We have reached the end of yet another academic year. Whilst we have made it through a complete year without a lockdown, it has not been without its’ challenges. However, students, staff and parents have all risen to the many challenges and somehow, we have made in through to the end of the year. We have even managed a whole suite of examinations.
I feel very privileged to be the Head Teacher at St Benedict’s, and despite the difficulties of the last few years the school has continued to go from strength to strength. Again, in September, we have a full complement of Year 7, as the school continues to be oversubscribed year on year. We have continued to provide a rich and engaging curriculum for our students, and they have made us very proud with their many successes. They live out our Catholic virtues every day.
Our pupils get many opportunities to take part in activities beyond the curriculum. We have continued with many after-school sports and music clubs. We have also taken part in engineering projects with a range of employers and been involved with Young Entrepreneur opportunities to name but a few. This year as we have begun to get back to normal and have once again been able to run trips and visits to enhance the curriculum. We were also able to celebrate Prom in both Year 11 and Year 13, a well-deserved celebration after exams. We hope next year that we can once again begin to offer residential trips both in this country and abroad.
At this time of year, we say goodbye to both staff and students. As our Year 11 and 13 students move on to pastures new, I would like to take the opportunity to tell them how proud we are of them and to wish them well in the future. We also bid farewell to Paula Tinkler, Alison Barwise, Ham Etisoy, Andrea Bright, Steven Leightell, Lyndsay Stevenson, Ben Stevenson, Phil Andrews, Simon Burgess, and Chris Sharp. Some of whom have given many years’ service to St Benedict’s. We wish them all well in their new ventures.
Summer will hopefully be a time for rest and recuperation (and exam results for our older students). I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed when we return in September.
I would like to finish with a personal thank you to all the staff in school, who have worked tirelessly this year, through very difficult circumstances. I would also like to extend my thanks to parents and our wider school community, for your continued support. Have a lovely summer.

Emma Jackson
Head Teacher
Message from Chair of Governors:
On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to congratulate all our pupils and staff on another successful year. Over the past term it has been great to see the revival and return of a lot of the enrichment activities and community connections that are fundamental to enable our students to flourish into diligent, humble and dignified stewards of the future.
The teachers and staff have continued to build ambition and aspiration into the learning experiences for all our students, and we are proud and hopeful those students leaving us at the end of term go forward with the virtues, qualifications and character, necessary to experience the truthfulness and beauty the wider world has to offer.
We thank all our parents and carers for the ongoing support and are looking forward to welcoming everyone back in September.
Kayleigh Daniels
Chair of Governors