Latest Letters Home

Letters for Parents - 24th June 2024

Section 48 Inspection

Letters for Parents - 11th June 2024

Uniform Selling Day 2024

Letter for Parents - 24th May 2024

Introduction of Sixth Form Uniform

Letter for Year 11 Parents - 22nd April 2024

Key Dates & Examination Information

Letter for Parents - 20th March 2024

Cumbria Police - Anti-social behaviour

Letter for Parents - 11th March 2024

Proposal to change school day

Letter for Parents - 27th February 2024

Year 11 Revision

Letter from Mrs Jackson - 26th February 2024

Mobile Phone Policy

Letter from Mrs Jackson - 19th January 2024

Student Punctuality

Letter from Mr Redhead - 6th December 2023

Year 11 Attendance

Letter from Mrs Kelso - 22nd November 2023

Year 10 Work Experience

Letter from Mrs Kelso - 13th November

Year 12 Work Experience 2023

Letter from Mrs Jackson - 16th November 2023

Catholic Ethos Guide

Letter from Mrs Jackson - 14th November 2023

Road Safety

Letter from Mr Bridgman - 16th Oct 2023

Year 11 Key Dates & Exam Information

Letter from Mrs Jackson - 19th Sept 2023

Road Safety