Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment and improving outcomes of students from low-income families. Funding allocation is based on children who have registered for a free school meal at any point in the last 6 years, children who are in care or adopted, and children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.
Pupil Premium funding is £1,050 per FSM Ever 6 secondary pupil, and £2,570 for Looked after Children and Post LAC (adopted). The Service Premium is £340 per pupil.
Statement of Intent
At St Benedict’s, we aim to ensure that every student has the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to develop morally, emotionally, physically and academically. We are committed to ensuring students achieve their full potential while in an environment where they feel a sense of belonging and possibility. Governors, leadership team and staff understand their responsibility to provide our students with a rich academic, creative and cultural learning experience that enables our students to leave us with confidence of choice.
How we use our funding?
During the three-year strategy cycle we focus on key challenges and barriers faced by our disadvantaged students, decisions and actions are based on assessment not assumption and actions, interventions and strategies are evidence informed. We adopt a whole school approach; staff take responsibility for disadvantaged student’s outcomes and have the highest expectations of what all students can achieve.
Through assessment we have identified challenges to educational success within our school and local community, these barriers are magnified for many of our disadvantaged students. We use our Pupil Premium funding to support the activities that will directly address these challenges and remove socio-economic barriers to success.
The 3 key areas of our strategy are
• Teaching and Learning
High quality teaching and learning is the most important tool schools have in improving outcomes for students. Every class should have a high quality, effective teacher that is supported to keep improving whatever their stage of career.
• Targeted and Academic support
Where we identify need through diagnostic analysis, we will provide one to one, small group and targeted interventions. These interventions will be explicitly linked to the content of daily lessons with the emphasis on students “keeping up not “ catching up”
• Wider strategies
Strategies will be put in place to help students overcome non-academic barriers including attendance, behaviour and social and emotional development.