Earlier this term, Mr Hamilton launched a brand new awards scheme to our Sixth Form students. The Virtue Award aims to recognise the wider participation in the Sixth Form.
Mr Hamilton launched the scheme at a recent assembly.

- The Virtue Award aims to recognise the wider participation in the Sixth Form.
- It also recognises how the Sixth Form experience lives the virtues promoted by the school.
- It will reward wider skills such as participation in non-qualification activities as well as recognising and raising the importance of all aspects of life in the Sixth Form.
- It has been developed in consultation with local employers who seek wider skills from their recruits.
- It recognises and rewards key activities linked to the six virtues on the School’s Virtue Medal and will be awarded at Bronze, Silver or Gold Level.
- Stewardship
- Charity work
- In-house work experience
- Volunteering
- Humility
- Attitude to Learning (ATL)
- Completion of non-qualification activities
- Truthful Living
- Recognition as Sixth Form Student of the Week
- Diligence
- Attendance
- Healthy Living
- Subject Awards
- Study
- Dignity
- Speaking up
- Mental health ambassadors
- Debating
- Inquisitiveness
- Forgiveness
- Extra-curricular
- Peer mentoring