Subject Video
The course is the AQA Level 3 Applied Science. This gives students the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. The qualification provides clear pathways for career development and progression opportunities to higher education and degrees.
The course consists of 6 units:
Unit 1 - Key concepts in Science
Unit 2 - Applied experimental techniques
Unit 3 - Science in the modern world
Unit 4 - The human body
Unit 5 - Investigating science
Unit 6 - Microbiology
Subject Details
Exam board: AQA
Type of vocational pathway: AQA Applied General Science (1776)
Specification A-level equivalent:
Level 3 extended certificate in Applied Science (1777) QAN 601/7105/4
We want students who: have a real interest in Science, especially how it is used. The course is aimed at those students who may not want to follow a pure A Level but want a more hands on course with a coursework element. We also want students who are motivated, hardworking, inquisitive and committed, as they will have to work independently and meet deadlines.
How will the students be assessed?
Units 1 and 3 have an external exam and Unit 2 is portfolio based.
Unit 4 has an exam and Units 5 and 6 are portfolio based.
What other courses does it complement?
Level 3 Applied Science complements Biology and Chemistry A Levels on the medical side, Physics and Engineering on the engineering side, Sports Science for sports related courses and Catering for careers in the food industry. It also supports courses that are vocational where students are thinking of taking an apprenticeship.
Next steps - what this course can lead to
Level 3 Applied Science is very valuable as it demonstrates to employers and universities alike, an ability to handle information in a practical context. Apprenticeship providers are very keen on this as a qualification, as are firms that employ laboratory technicians. Applied Science is a useful subject for students who want to pursue a career in the health service, such as nursing or midwifery.
St Benedict’s,
Sixth Form