Year 7 – Student of the Week – Bella Taylor Awarded for always having an amazing attitude to learning in English; contributing to lessons and for writing an excellent big write recently – Mrs Fox

Year 7 – Student of the Week Rylan Todd (not available for photo)  – Awarded for a consistent positive attitude and effort in Maths – Mr McCully

Year 7 – Student Star – Holly Morris Awarded for a consistent positive attitude and effort in Maths – Mr McCully

Year 7 – Student Star – Isabelle Olisa (not available for photo) – Awarded for demonstrating diligence and dignity. She has produced an excellent poetry analysis in a recent big write in English – Miss Thompson

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Emily Giel (not available for photo) – Awarded for persisting with big writes and for resilience. She produced a really pleasing big write and should take confidence from this for the summer exams. Well done! – Miss Thompson

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Hayden Nesbitt Awarded for persisting with big writes and for resilience. He produced really pleasing big write and should take confidence from this for the summer exams. Well done! – Miss Thompson

Year 8 – Student Star – Anya Neat Awarded for diligence in producing a very effective big write. Great work – Miss Thompson

Year 8 – Student Star – Kaira Sharma Awarded for always being happy and cheerful when I see her at the end of the day – Mrs Shervinton

Year 8 – Student Star – Theo Grears Awarded for always being happy and cheerful when I see him at the end of the day – Mrs Shervinton

Year 8 – Student Star – Elizabeth Spencer Awarded for always being happy and cheerful when I see her at the end of the day – Mrs Shervinton

Year 8 – Student Star – Mia Sandwith (not available for photo) – Awarded for diligence in producing a very effective big write. Great work – Miss Thompson

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Maisie Milne (not available for photo) – Awarded for showing diligence in creating a detailed and imaginative Gothic Big Write – Miss Thompson

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Niall Handisides (not available for photo) – Awarded for showing diligence – fabulous effort in his Gothic Big Write – Miss Thompson

Year 9 – Student Star – Coban Regan (not available for photo) – Awarded for consistently giving his best effort in class – Miss Thompson

Year 9 – Student Star – Taylor Lee Taylorson (not available for photo) – Awarded for diligence in creating a detailed and imaginative Gothic Big Write – Miss Thompson

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Eden Clark (not available for photo) – Awarded for continued hard work in lesson and working well during practicals – Mrs Kirkup

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Samuel Ahad Awarded for impressing me with how well he is working in class. His confidence is growing in answering questions, well done! – Mrs Savage

Sixth Form – Student of the Week – Leo Hamilton Awarded for his work in promoting the school by touring the interviewees – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Student Star – Alesha Seath Awarded for providing guided tours of the school for intervieweeMr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Student Star – Ryan Fisher Awarded for assisting with the Year 10 Geography field trip – Mrs Lee

Sixth Form – Student Star – William Norman Awarded for providing guided tours of the school for intervieweeMr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Student Star – Sophie Roberts Awarded for providing guided tours of the school for intervieweeMr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Student Star – Logan Casson (not available for photo) – Awarded for assisting with the Year 10 Geography field trip – Mrs Lee