Year 10 – Student of the Week – Alfie Goodwin (not available for photo) – Awarded for his great participation in French lessons – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Olivia Siddle (pictured below with Lilla) – Awarded for her great participation on French lessons – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Student Star – Lilla Leadbetter Awarded for her great participation on French lessons – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Student Star – Tianna King – Awarded for trying really hard and making good progress in Spanish – Mrs Savage

Year 10 – Student Star – Deborah Taiwo Awarded for continual hard work and progress in Maths – Mr Sale

Year 10 – Student Star – Paige GibbsAwarded for helping out at lunch time with jobs for Mrs Kar and Miss Powe. She has been a superstar! – Mrs Kar

Year 10 – Student Star – Samuel Ahad (not available for photo) – Awarded for continuing to impress me with his effort and engagement in Spanish – Mrs Savage 

Year 10 – Student Star – Ryan Wood (not available for photo) – Awarded for trying really hard and making good progress in Spanish – Mrs Savage

Year 10 – Student Star – Audrey Okundaye (not available for photo)- Awarded for their great participation in French lessons – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Student Star – Billy Joe Towers (not available for photo) – Awarded for having a very responsible attitude in Science – Mrs Reed

Year 10 – Student Star – Poppy Daniels (not available for photo) – Awarded for their great participation in French lessons – Mrs Hannan

Year 10 – Student Star – Scarlett Benson (not available for photo) – Awarded for having a very responsible attitude in Science – Mrs Reed