Year 7 – Student of the Week – Micah McAdam Awarded for his excellent contributions in speaking tasks in French recently – Mrs Hannan

Year 7 – Student of the Week – Elena Ackerley Awarded for always having a positive, friendly, and hardworking attitude in Geography and also for her lovely attitude and being helpful around the classroom in RE – Mr Yong & Mrs Rush

Year 7 – Student Star – Brooke Hocking Awarded for working in an organised and diligent manner in Food Tech, producing great cakes – Mrs Jackson

Year 7 – Student Star – Margaret Quirong Awarded for always having a positive, friendly and hardworking attitude in Geography – Mr Yong

Year 7 – Student Star – Louie Hussey Awarded for his positive attitude towards his ELSA sessions – Mrs Shervington

Year 7 – Student Star – Tillie Shepherd (not available for photo) – Awarded for her excellent effort in PE this term, particularly in Athletics – Mrs Grealish

Year 7 – Student Star – Sonny Nicholson (not available for photo) – Awarded for his excellent contributions and growing confidence in English – Mrs McKee

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Hanna Hajduga Awarded for being a positive role model around our school, thank you – Mr Williamson

Year 8 – Student of the Week – Mason Bodman (not available for photo) – Awarded for helping others in Maths – Miss Dinsdale

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Kai Dunn Awarded for trying really hard in English to get things right and will write extended answers without being asked to. He’s doing so well lately – Miss Bradley

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Simra Syeda (not available for photo) – Awarded for excellent participation and thoughtful contributions in RE – Mrs McKee

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Curtis Smith Awarded for excellent results in his Spanish Reading exam paper. Always giving 100% – Mrs Savage

Year 10 – Student of the Week – Kendra Johnston Awarded for always being willing to help, she is a shining example of stewardship in our school – Mrs Woodcock

Year 10 – Student Star – Aiden Vaudrey-Murray Awarded for gaining excellent results in Spanish Reading exam paper. Always giving 100% – Mrs Savage

Year 10 – Student Star – Immy Smith Awarded for gaining excellent results in Spanish Reading exam paper. Always giving 100% – Mrs Savage

Year 10 – Student Star – Amelia Greaves (not available for photo) – Awarded for always being polite and punctual. Really starting to gain confidence and come out of her shell. She is always so polite – Miss O’Fee

Sixth Form – Student of the Week – Anezka Feckova (not available for photo) – Awarded for outstanding contribution to the Sixth Form and school as a whole – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Student Star – Phil Baldueza Awarded for working hard all year and being very supportive of each other, and having a great work ethic – Mrs Kirkup

Sixth Form – Student Star – Leo Musgrave – Awarded for working hard all year and being very supportive of each other, and having a great work ethic – Mrs Kirkup

Sixth Form – Student Star – Ruth OkohAwarded for working hard all year and being very supportive of each other, and having a great work ethic – Mrs Kirkup

Sixth Form – Student Star – Demi Rowlandson Awarded for working hard all year and being very supportive of each other, and having a great work ethic – Mrs Kirkup

Sixth Form – Student Star – Keelan Bellard (not available for photo) – Awarded for exceptional work ethic – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Student Star – Keira Williams (not available for photo) – Awarded for coming to revision and working really hard – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Student Star – Blythe Kelly (not available for photo)- Awarded for coming to revision and working really hard – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Student Star – Lexia Hartley (not available for photo)- Awarded for making a really effort with revision – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Student Star – Arley Armfield (not available for photo) – Awarded for great contributions in lessons – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Student Star – Marnie Cassley (not available for photo) – Awarded for consistent work ethic – Mrs Kar