Congratulations to our first winners of STUDENT OF THE WEEK. Each student received a certificate from Mrs Jackson and also 99 achievement points. Keep up the hard work!
Year 7 – Maci Schwartzer – Maci was nominated for having a fantastic smile and always giving off good vibes!

Year 8 – Issac McGee – Excellent behaviour and very focused in class, producing good work in Art.
Year 9 – Kyran Lancaster – For a fantastic start to the new school year. Well done and keep up the positive attitude!

Year 10 – Edie Bell – For having a very mature attitude and working hard in all Science lessons. (No photo available)
Year 11 – Amy Robson – She has done everything asked of her in Biology during lockdown, and work up to date and done well. She has also completed her first homework of the term early and her summer homework has been submitted.

Sixth Form – Charlotte Penrice – She has already completed a draft assignment for Product Design two days after it was set and asked for feedback. I am very impressed!