Year 7 – Student of the Week – Malachy McAleavey Awarded for his outstanding artwork in Art & Design – Mrs Longbone

Year 7 – Student of the Week – Jessica O’Hagan Awarded for her fantastic research and enthusiasm demonstrated in presentation work in English recently – Miss Rickerby

Year 7 – Student Star – Harry Keeler Awarded for his leadership skills demonstrated recently in his presentation work in English – Miss Rickerby

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Eva Dunn Awarded for always being a star in Science. Sensible, polite and an inquisitive mind. Great sense of humour and always comes to class with a smile – Miss O’Fee

Year 9 – Student of the Week – Sean O’SullivanAwarded for always being pleasant and polite. A very enquiring mind about Science. Always sensible in class – Miss O’Fee

Year 9 – Student Star – Sam McMean Awarded for always trying his best. He asks great scientific questions and is genuinely a great lad – Miss O’Fee

Year 9 – Student Star – Edith Finlinson Awarded for being sensible, polite and happy to be in Science class. Always organised, completes work to the best of her ability and shows initiative in her mature approach to studies. Definitely team leaders in the making! – Miss O’Fee

Year 9 – Student Star – Connie McKinneyAwarded for being sensible, polite and happy to be in Science class. Always organised, completes work to the best of her ability and shows initiative in her mature approach to studies. Definitely team leaders in the making! – Miss O’Fee

Year 9 – Student Star – Seb Bamford (not available for photo) – Awarded for doing well on his knowledge quizzes considering he finds literacy difficult. I was really impressed – he scored higher than some of the class who find literacy fairly easy! – Miss Bradley

Year 9 – Student Star – Logan Telford (not available for photo) – Awarded for excellent exam response in English – Miss Fitzmaurice