Year 7 – Ayomide O Awarded for his excellent contributions in English; always giving thoughtful and perceptive responses – Mrs Young

Year 7 – Loe R – Awarded for having a lovely attitude and always being willing to contribute to RE lessons – Mr Gabuguga

Year 7 – Amelia J Awarded for settling into English perfectly and for having a really positive attitude to learning – Miss Thompson

Year 7 – Ryan M (not available for photo)  – Awarded for his stewardship around school; picking up litter without being asked, and also being extremely polite – Mrs Brinicombe

Year 7 – Riley B (not available for photo) – Awarded for his diligence in Science lessons – Ms Theaker

Year 9 – Jack R Awarded for being brilliant in Maths & completing all tasks correctly and really concentrating too – Mrs Lomas

Year 9 – Hanna H Awarded for being incredibly focused on her learning, completing extension tasks and really thinking hard about her answers in Science – Miss McBlain

Year 9 – Evie J Awarded for being resilient in Maths – Mr McCully

Year 9 – Layton I (not available for photo) – Awarded for making a fantastic start to Computer Science, brilliant progress with Python programming, well done! – Mr Crosthwaite.

Year 9 – Malachi S (not available for photo)- Awarded for excellent work in Food and helping out other pupils in lessons – Mr Boal

Year 9 – Jessica  T (not available for photo) – Awarded for making a fantastic start to Computer Science, brilliant progress with Python programming, well done! – Mr Crosthwaite

Year 10 – Adam R Awarded with two nominations! Firstly, for settling perfectly into Year 10 English and for being proactive in class. Secondly, for going above and beyond in Geography – Miss Thompson and Mr Hamilton 

Year 11 – Sam P – Awarded for answering questions in Physics and giving detailed, comprehensive and correct answers – Mrs Kelso 

Year 11 – Immy S – Awarded for participating in class discussions in RE and attending her extra-curricular club – Mrs Harris 

Year 11 – Harvey S-A – Awarded for an admirable effort and positive ATL in English assessment this week – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Izzy R (not available for photo) – Awarded for an admirable effort and positive ATL in English assessment this week – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Max B (not available for photo)- Awarded for an admirable effort and positive ATL in English assessment this week – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Kamisiyo O (not available for photo)- Awarded for an admirable effort and positive ATL in English assessment this week – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Jamie P (not available for photo)- Awarded for excellent work and brilliant attitude – Miss Tomkinson

Sixth Form – Daria P Awarded for making a fabulous start to Year 12! She is very focussed and determined – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – William N – Awarded for always being extremely polite – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Jackson J Awarded for always being extremely polite – Mrs Kar

Sixth Form – Lizzie O Awarded for being fully engaged in Philosophy and Ethics – Mrs Rush

Sixth Form – Erin H Awarded for fabulous development of answers in Geography – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Jack H (not available for photo) – Awarded for being polite and caring to all within the Sixth Form community – Mr Hamilton

Sixth Form – Phil B (not available for photo) – Awarded for his hard work in Chemistry – Mrs Kirkup