Student Stars of the Week – 16th September

It was wonderful to award our first STUDENT STAR winners today, who have all excelled this week at school. Special mention to our new Year 7 students who have all been fabulous!

Year 7 – Leila B – Awarded for being very polite and hard working in Maths. Engaging well in all lessons so far – Mr Walker

Year 7 – Summer-Rose C – Awarded for being polite and helpful to her new peers in Maths – Mr McCully

Year 7 – Oscar C Awarded for giving very thoughtful verbal answers in RE lessons – Mr Gabuguga

Year 7 – Jensen K Awarded for settling in well and demonstrating impeccable manners around school – Mrs Shervinton

Year 7 – Jenson McD Awarded for being very helpful in Science lessons – Mrs Burnup

Year 7 – Milly McM – Awarded for being a fabulous volunteer and taking on the role of teacher in her French lesson – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Lucas M Awarded for being a lovely, well-mannered student who demonstrates appreciation for his learning and volunteering to help around the classroom – Ms Fitzmaurice

Year 7 – Omokorede O Awarded for working super hard, giving great answers, and having a fantastic start to learning in Maths – Miss Downton

Year 7 – Adon PAwarded for fantastic contributions and enthusiasm in DT lessons, demonstrating great commitment to lessons – Mrs Collins

Year 7 – Thomas R Awarded for really engaging in his Science lessons and asking lots of questions – Mrs Kirkup

Year 7 – Meiya R Awarded for her excellent contributions to RE lessons – Mr Gabuguga

Year 7 – Ariana S Awarded for having a fantastic, pleasant attitude and brilliant punctuality – Mrs Needham

Year 7 – Archie B Awarded for fantastic contributions to group discussions in Computer Science – Mr Charlton

Year 7 – Marnie N Awarded for giving very thoughtful verbal answers in RE lessons – Mr Gabuguga

Year 7 – Byron H (not available for photo) – Awarded for working well in Computer Science and assisting his peers when needed – Mr Burgess

Year 7 – Bobby M (not available for photo) – Awarded for his excellent contributions to RE lessons – Mr Gabuguga

Year 8 – Oliver C Awarded with two nominations! First for great verbal skills in Science, and second for a great start to Year 8 English both in attitude and behaviour – Mrs Theaker & Ms Fitzmaurice

Year 8 – Noah L – Awarded for excellent engagement & mature responses to complicated ideas in English – Ms Fitzmaurice 

Year 8 – Libby N Awarded for excellent control and playing ability on the Djembes in Music – Mr Marr

Year 8 – Archie B Awarded for fantastic contributions to group discussions in Computer Science – Mr Charlton

Year 8 – Jaiden T (not available for photo) – Awarded for excellent control and playing ability on the Djembes in Music – Mr Marr

Year 9 – Miley N Awarded for excellent work in Science – Mrs Kirkup

Year 9 – Mia S(not available for photo) – Awarded for having the confidence to attempt all questions and completing all of her work to a high standard in Maths – Mr McCully

Year 9 – Jamie G (not available for photo) – Awarded for excellent and mature engagement in class discussion in English – Ms Fitzmaurice

Year 9 – Joseph M (not available for photo)- Awarded for making a great start to the year and giving a great written answer on the topic of vocation in RE – Mr Cruise

Year 10 – Leo GAwarded for working extremely hard , especially with the presentation of his work. He has also been very helpful in handing out and collecting books in RE – Mr Gabuguga

Year 10 – Miley M (not available for photo) – Awarded for producing an excellent piece of Art, taking risks! – Mrs Longbone

Year 11 – Freddie B Awarded for being consistently polite and extremely helpful, making me feel very welcome in my first week at St Benedict’s School. Merci beaucoup! – Mrs Harris

Year 11 – Harley-John K – Awarded for having a really impressive knowledge of An Inspector Calls, especially after a 6 week break! Great start to Year 11 – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Deen P Awarded for having a really impressive knowledge of An Inspector Calls, especially after a 6 week break! Great start to Year 11 – Miss Thompson

Year 11 – Mason McC (not available for photo)- Awarded for great participation & diligence in Science lessons – Mrs Kirkup

Sixth Form – Eden H – Awarded for her ability to decipher / translate Old English – Miss Thompson

Sixth Form – Aaron D – Awarded for excellent completion of his summer assignment – Mrs Mulrain