Year 13 students have today received their A Level results, celebrating with parents, teachers and friends.

Students received their results either via e-mail, or some came into school for them to collect them. They then had the chance to speak to their teachers, and Inspira who were on hand to give advice.

Mrs Jackson, Headteacher at St Benedict’s said:

“It was lovely to welcome back some of our Year 13 students today and celebrate their results with them. We want to congratulate all of our students on their achievements today and wish them all the very best for the future.

Alfie Taylor was over the moon with his results, gaining two A* grades, and two A grades in Further Maths, Maths, Physics and Extended Project respectively. He is going onto study either Physics or Maths at Lancaster University.

Ruth Okoh received three A Grades in Biology, Chemistry & Maths.

Ella Crellen is due to start an Apprenticeship at Sellafield, after gaining an A* in Sociology, A in Geography and a C in Biology.

Izzy Foster is taking a gap year to decide her future, after receiving excellent grades in Sociology (A*), Health & Social Care (Distinction*), Religious Studies (C) and Applied Science (Merit)

Mr Hamilton, the Head of Sixth Form commented:

“It has been a pleasure working with all of the Year 13 students for these past two years, and we can’t wait to see what they go on to do next.”