Student of the Week


Student of the Week – 25th March

Congratulations to our latest group of ‘Student of the Week’ winners! They have today been presented with their certificates and received their achievement points. Year 7 – Miller Wood – for excellent effort and ATL – Mrs Thompson, English Year 8 – Aviya Burns – She has really pushed herself this week. Adding fantastic extra...
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Student of the Week – 18th March

We are loving having all of the students back in school, and finally able to take some photos of our STUDENT OF THE WEEK winners! Well done everyone! Year 7 – Samir Salame – nominated by Miss Hunter for having exceptional manners and always being polite. Year 8 – Jayden Ackroyd – for being such...
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Student of the Week – 10th March

Well done to our latest Students of the Week, you have all had great week! Year 7: Nominated by Mr Walker (Maths) Kaylan Bennett – great attendance and effort throughout Tilly McLaughlin – great contribution with answers in live lessons Daisy Blacklock – excellent every single time Archie Thompson & Sophia Juson – Both nominated...
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Student of the Week – 3rd March 2021

It’s been another fantastic week for our Student of the Week nominations! Here are all of our winners this week, and their reasons for nominations. Well done everyone! Year 7: Aiden Crickett – Nominated by Miss Thompson in English for always being hardworking and always responsive in live session, offering great input. He was also...
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Student of the Week – 25th February

Well done to our latest winners of Student of the Week! Below are all the nominations and reasons. Keep up the hard work everyone! Year 7: All nominated by Mrs Bridgman for being Kahoot Champions in History this week with full marks! Year 8: Dylan Mills  He has worked exceptionally hard (as always) this half-term &...
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Student of the Week

It’s been another great week of home learning from our students, and lots to choose from for our STUDENTS OF THE WEEK! Below are all of this weeks winners, and the reasons for their nominations. Ayrton Broomhead – Maths / Mr Sale – regularly offering answers Ben Stephenson – Maths / Mr Sale – regularly...
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Student of the Week

Our students are working so hard during this latest lockdown, that we have decided to award more than one STUDENT OF THE WEEK, each week from the various nominations we receive. Below are this weeks winners, along with reasons for their nominations. Well done everyone!! Year 7: Xanthe Tyson – Mrs Bragg, English – “She...
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Student of the Week

All of our students are doing very well with the home learning, and we are very proud of how hard they are all trying! We would like to highlight these students as our ‘Students of the Week’ who have all earned their nominations for various reasons. Year 7 – Harley Wells – Nominated by Mrs...
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Student of the Week

Although the students aren’t physically in school, we are still awarding STUDENTS OF THE WEEK points to those students who have shone in their lessons this week. Year 10 Student of the Week are Ethan Thornton and Casey Layla Mawson ‘for great effort and excellent standard of work produced in Maths.’ Year 11 Student of...
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Student of the Week

Our first ‘STUDENT OF THE WEEK’ winners have been announced this week, with the Year 11 starting us off. As they have all worked so hard, the Year 11 team decided to award not one student, but eleven! All of the other year groups have also had some great nominations this week, with the below...
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