Dear Parent/ Carer and new Year 7 Students
I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well.
Usually, at this point in the summer term, I would be visiting you in your primary school, to tell you a little bit about life at secondary school and answer any questions you may have. Unfortunately, that cannot happen this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but please rest assured, we are planning carefully and thoroughly for September.
The situation this academic year means we will be running a virtual transition process. More than ever before, we understand that the transition process from primary to secondary can be daunting, but I want to reassure you that we will assist you in any way we can to ensure that all students arrive, whenever that first day may be, excited and fully informed about the next chapter in their education.
Very soon, we will be publicising a welcome video, showing you around the school, introducing you to key staff and, hopefully, answering some of the most frequently asked questions.
To support us in planning a smooth transition, we would like you to complete a set of online forms which can be found on our website under the “Primary Transition” section. It is important that we receive these forms back by Friday, 12th June, and please remember to click submit at the end.
The online pack includes documentation to read and two online forms to complete. The student passport can be completed by parents and students together and is an opportunity for you to share any information with us that you think may help us get to know you better, and allow us to plan any additional transition support we may need to in the coming weeks. In order to support us in our tutor group allocation, please state on this form, any friends who you would like us to consider placing you in a tutor group with. We will try our best to group friends together, but at this point, we cannot make any promises.
The Primary Transition section on our website will be updated regularly with relevant information to support you through this process. There is also a contact button, should you have any concerns or questions we can help with. Please click here to access this page.
We have a provisional date of Saturday, 4th July for our uniform company to be in school. At present, we are hoping that this pop up shop can go ahead adhering to social distancing guidelines, and please keep checking our website for any updates to these arrangements.
Looking forward to meeting you all very soon.
Yours faithfully
Kay Woodcock
Transition Manager