Our Year 7 students have recently met with representatives from their chosen charity – Mary’s Meals. The students will be working throughout the year to raise as much money as possible, along with the other year groups.

Mary’s Meals Vision:
Mary’s Meals’ vision is that every child receives one daily meal in their place of education and that all those who have more than they need, share with those who lack even the most basic things. Working together with people who share our ideals, we believe that this vision can be achieved in this world where there is enough food for everyone.
What Mary’s Meals do:
Mary’s Meals is a global movement of people playing their part in tackling world hunger using a simple idea. By setting up community-run school feeding programmes in some of the world’s poorest areas, Mary’s Meals helps to encourage children into the classroom – and gives them the energy to concentrate on lessons – so they can gain an education that will help them work towards a brighter future
It costs just £15.90 to feed a child in a place of education for a whole school year with Mary’s Meals. We hope to try and raise at least £3,243.60 throughout the course of this academic year. This would mean that 204 students have been fed for a year, the same number of students as we have here in Year 7 at St Benedict’s.

Mrs Young, Head of Year 7 said:
“Our first fundraising event has started this week. Each tutor group has been given a small change box to collect any spare loose change. We are running a competition between the tutor groups to see who can collect the most between now and Friday 9th December. The tutor group who raises the most will be rewarded at the Christmas rewards assembly.”
Good Luck Year 7!